Apply now for a summer MnTAP intern to improve your business and environment

Businesses struggling to lower their costs reducing waste while improving water and energy efficiency now have the opportunity to partner with the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) to sponsor a 2018 college intern. An intern can make suggestions that improve efficiency, save money, reduce waste, or decrease regulatory compliance burden. Instead of hiring new technical staff – MnTAP provides an intern that has the time and creativity to research alternative equipment, procedures, chemicals, and raw materials.

In 2017, MnTAP Interns identified process improvement opportunities that can save $1.6 million annually for host businesses.

MnTAP will have projects in industrial water efficiency, process optimization in food processing including chemical use, energy and water efficiency, as well as tailored assistance to large and small businesses throughout the state.  Projects are financially supported through a variety of partnerships including counties, utilities and industry associations to name a few. Contact MnTAP to find out how you can help bring MnTAP Interns to the businesses you serve.

Your company is still paying twice for water; once for the water provided to your facility and once for the amount of water you are discharging to the local wastewater treatment facility. Water conservation measures can reduce the amount of water you use as well as your water costs

Here are three projects from 2017:
  • Plastech, Rush City, MN Goal: Reduce process energy use in plastics molding operation with funding from MPCA and East Central Energy.
  • Diasorin, Stillwater, MN Goal: Optimize water use in medical diagnostic devices manufacturing with funding from Washington County.
  • Kerry Ingredients, Rochester, MN Goal: Improve energy and chemical use efficiency with funding from MPCA, U.S. EPA and Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation.
For more information on the intern program visit  If you would like to discuss a potential intern project, contact Nathan Landwehr, MnTAP’s Intern Program Administrator, at 612-624-4697 or 
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