ANOKA COUNTY Citizen Advisory Boards and Commissions support County government by involving citizens in the decision-making process, meeting requirements of state law, helping to define community norms and standards, providing technical expertise, serving as advocates, offering feedback, and reflecting the diverse interests of County clients and residents. The Anoka County Board of Commissioners appoints members to these Citizen Advisory Boards and Commissions such as the Coon Creek Watershed District and the Rice Creek Watershed District. Current open positions:
- Coon Creek Watershed District Board of Managers
- Adult Mental Health Advisory Committee,
- Children’s Mental Health Advisory and Coordination Council.
The CITY OF ANOKA is accepting applications for the openings (announcement): Parks & Recreation Board, Charter Commission, Economic Development Commission, Heritage Preservation Commission, Human Rights Commission, and Utility Advisory Board. For more information, please contact the Administration Department at 763-576-2740 or via email at:
The CITY OF ANDOVER maintains six (6) Commissions & Boards to advise the Council. The City is seeking individuals to serve 3-year terms on the Park & Recreation Commission. For more information, contact Todd Haas, Assistant Public Works Director at (763) 767-5131. Also, the City is seeking individuals to serve 3-year terms on the Open Space Advisory Commission concerning preservation of open space. For more information, please contact Dave Carlberg, Community Development Director at (763)767-5140. Commission members are compensated.
The CITY OF BLAINE seeks to fill Board & Commission vacancies for 2018: Park Advisory Board (recommends policy pertaining to the park and recreation function), Planning Commission (advises on long-range community planning goals and policies), Natural Resources Conservation Board (advises on the acquisition and management of public open space, trails, natural resources), Special Board of Review (provides a fair and objective forum for property owners to appeal their property valuation or classification). For more information contact Stacy Dellich, Deputy City Clerk (Email, Phone: 763-785-6122).
The CITY OF CIRCLE PINES maintains three (3) Commissions or Boards: Utilities Commission, Park Board, and Planning Commission. Volunteers play an important role in providing democratic government for Circle Pines. Serving on a commission or board is an excellent way to share citizen input and put individuals’ talents to use.
The CITY OF COLUMBUS is accepting applications for residents to serve on the Park Advisory Board and the Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization Board. The Park Advisory Board discusses park acquisition and development. The SRWMO is a multi-city board that collaborates in the management of local water resources. If you have questions about this opportunity, please call the City Offices at 651-464-3120 for more information.
In the CITY OF COON RAPIDS, citizen participation on Boards and Commissions is vital to the progress of the City. The City Council appoints citizens who serve voluntarily on advisory boards and commissions in the City including: Sustainability (research ideas for sustainable living), Parks and Recreation (maintain comprehensive park plan), Arts (promote and present cultural activities), Historical (monitor matters of historical significance), Planning (review issues involving zoning, the Comprehensive Plan and land use), Safety (review public safety issues). If you are interested in becoming a member of an advisory board, please fill out the Commission Application (PDF).
The CITY OF EAST BETHEL has several Authorities, Boards, and Commissions. Limited-term committees are also sometimes formed to address specific issues. The authorities, boards, and commissions provide a way for the city to benefit from the expertise and experience of those who live and work in the city, as well as providing a way for residents to meet new people, learn new things, develop leadership skills, be of service, and make a difference. If you are interested in serving as a member please contact us at 763-367-7840.
The CITY OF FRIDLEY has six Commissions. These community volunteers help advise the City Council on important aspects of the city. The City Council seeks residents interested in serving on City commissions as vacancies arise: Charter Commission, Planning Commission, Appeals Commission, Environmental Quality and Energy Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Housing and Redevelopment Authority. For information on current vacancies, see the Commission Vacancies webpage. For further information about current openings, the duties and responsibilities, meeting dates and times of the commissions, fill out a Commission Application or contact Roberta in the City Manager’s Office at (763) 572-3500.
The CITY OF HAM LAKE has three (3) Commissions that monitor their community and advise the City Council on important issues in Ham Lake: Planning Commission (makes recommendations to the City Council regarding growth and development in the City), Park and Tree Commission (makes recommendations regarding the use, maintenance and development of all city parks, and supervises the oak wilt control plan), Charter Commission (the City Charter, approved by voters and issued by the State of Minnesota in 1982, allows the City, in some instances, broader powers including the right to initiative and referendum).
The LINO LAKES City Council is assisted in its decision-making process by several advisory boards and committees: Economic Development Advisory Committee, Environmental Board, Park Board, and Planning & Zoning Board. Vacancies on advisory boards and committees can be found under the jobs & volunteering webpage. Generally, openings occur when terms expire, on December 31 of each year, unless a member must resign before his/her term has expired.
The CITY OF NOWTHEN has three (3) Committees or Commissions (Parks and Recreation Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization) that participate in the planning and implementation of City programs, services and management of local water resources. For more information contact the City Offices at 763-441-1347 or contact the City Council directly.
The CITY OF RAMSEY maintains 5 Commissions and Boards to make specific recommendations to the City Council. Ramsey is accepting applications for its advisory commissions that include the Environmental Policy Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, Economic Development Authority, and the Planning Commission. Applications are being accepted for all commissions and will be kept on file for one year in the event of an unexpected vacancy. Online applications and additional information are available on the City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or call Human Resources at 763-433- 9867.
The CITY OF SAINT FRANCIS has four (4) Commissions or Boards that monitor their community and advise the City Council on important issues: Planning and Zoning Commission – Economic Development Authority (established in 2011 to encourage, attract, promote and develop economically sound industry and commerce within the City) – Charter Commission – Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization.