Floodplain maps go digital in Anoka County

No one can be certain where and when the next flood will happen. Floods can be devastating for Anoka County communities, homeowners and businesses. Determining and mapping the flood vulnerable areas is an important step in locating buildings, utilities, roads and flood controls to protect lives and property. Anoka County communities have teamed with state and federal flood professionals (hydrologists) to locate potential flooding areas through the updated FEMA’s Map Service Center (MSC). Now MSC provides greater functionality for users.

Anoka County floodplain maps are improved too, from paper to Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMS). The DFIRMS not only help communities to plan and prepare for the next flood, but help property owners determine if their home may be flooded based on analysis of the topography and hydrologic features. DFIRMS provide property owners with vital answers to whether they need insurance to protect them from losing all that they have built.

After entering an address in MSC-DFIRM – see link to make FIRMette and link to “Show All Products.”

New Features for DFIRMs:

  • Bigger detailed interactive map shows flood zones and data on either aerial or road background
  • Data layers from FEMA’s National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) are updated daily
  • Dynamic Map” link – click on this to create a “FIRMette” (official copy of FEMA map)
  • Can zoom in and out on the interactive map
  • Find copies of any revalidation letters, Letters of Map Amendments, etc..
  • Uses aerial background that have colors and formatting most find easier to interpret

For More Information. See “Using FEMA’s Map Service Center for communities with DFIRMS” and other related information at the MNDNR Access Floodplain Maps site.

*Adapted from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources WaterTalk article by Ceil Strauss, MNDNR, State Floodplain Manager

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