Have you noticed a river of rainwater running down your driveway into the gutter, ditch, or storm sewer? Collecting rain-soft water is a good way to conserve and reuse high quality water. Rain barrels have been around for thousands of years. They also protect our local water while saving money on water bills and having a ready source of natural rainwater to nurture plants and gardens (instead of hard-chlorinated public water).
The Recycling Association of Minnesota (RAM) is holding a series of events to distribute rain barrels and compost bins. Pre-order a rain barrel, compost bin, or both on the RAM website and then pick up your order at the event of your choice. Some local distribution events include:
- Sat. April 27th, 9am-12pm Noon (Compost Bins Only) at Chisago County Household Hazardous Waste Facility (39649 Grand Avenue, North Branch, MN 55056). [order]
- Sat. May 4th, 8am-11am, at Brooklyn Park Operations and Maintenance Facility (39649 Noble Avenue, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443). [order]
- Thurs. May 9th 4:30-6:30pm (Rain Barrels Only) at City of Hopkins Public Works (11100 Excelsior Blvd., Hopkins, MN 55343. [order]
YEAR ROUND SALE at Washington County Environmental Center during open hours at 4039 Cottage Grove Drive, Woodbury, MN 55129. [order]
For more information, please contact Mary at 651-641-4589 or email: ram@recycleminnesota.org.
EDUCATORS: consider installing a rain barrel at your school as a practical tool to demonstrate the sustainable use of water resources outside the classroom window. Contact your local watershed management organization or the Anoka Conservation District to learn about education grants that may be available.