Noncommunity Public Water System COVID-19 Information

The following is a message from the Minnesota Department of Health to all Noncommunity Public Water Systems:

“Owners and Operators of Noncommunity Public Water Systems:

The COVID-19 outbreak has presented many challenges across the state. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Drinking Water Protection program recognizes that you face many pressures in running your facilities and businesses at this time. Understanding that you have many things on your mind, we do want to provide you with some pertinent information regarding COVID-19 and noncommunity public water systems. You can also find general updates at: Coronavirus Disease 2019 [COVID-19].


Is drinking water safe

You may be wondering if COVID-19 is transmitted via drinking water. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking water supplies and the risk to water supplies is low. You can find more information from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at the following web pages:


MDH Drinking Water Protection’s role

MDH Drinking Water Protection staff remain available to assist you. While we have taken steps to reduce exposure for staff and public water systems by curtailing field activity and moving staff to telework, we remain dedicated to working with you in providing safe drinking water. All staff are available via phone and email, and will respond to any questions, concerns or contamination situations.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. See the Noncommunity Public Water Supply Unit Contact List (PDF) where you can find the sanitarian and compliance officer for your part of the state. Also, look for periodic updates from MDH as new information becomes available.


Sampling and laboratories

If you are required by MDH to collect your own water samples, please continue to do so at this time. It is critical that drinking water systems continue to be able to assure their users about water quality.

The laboratories that analyze your water samples are doing their part to maintain operations while protecting their employees. Note that if you hand deliver samples to a laboratory, we recommended that you first check their website, confirm that they are open and receive additional direction on how to drop off samples; some laboratories are changing their drop off procedure to maintain social distancing. If you have any questions, please contact your compliance officer.


Thanks for all your efforts in these difficult circumstances as we work together to keep safe water available all across Minnesota.”

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