Comments invited on the Upper Mississippi River report

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is seeking comments on the Upper Mississippi River water quality improvement report and protection plan. High concentrations of bacteria have reduced the quality of the river. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report (a determination of the maximum pollutant a water body can tolerate) focuses on excess fecal bacteria, mainly E.coli.  The public comment period continues through May 6.

Mississippi River Basin Map (MPCA)The study and protection plan addresses 22 (of 51) tributary reaches of the Mississippi River that are impaired for aquatic recreation, due to E.coli, and where restoration efforts need to take place. E. coli monitoring is used to indicate the potential presence of waterborne pathogens that can be harmful to human health.  E. coli comes from human, livestock, and wildlife waste.

The draft report is available on the MPCA’s TMDL projects web page, or at the MPCA office. Comments may be submitted to Barb Peichel, MPCA, 520 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155. For more information, contact Barb at 651-757-2646.

ATTEND the Mississippi River Forum (May 30, 2014) to learn about coordination of the many organizations and projects that prevent water pollution; protect the River and its tributaries; and monitor the quality of life within the River basin.

CHECK OUT the enhanced EPA How’s My Waterway application and website to help you find information on the condition of lakes, rivers and streams on your smart phone, tablet or desktop computer.

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