The City of Andover is in the process of amending its wellhead protection plan to protect the safety of drinking water that is supplied to residents. An information meeting was held at Andover City Hall Council Chambers where David Berkowitz (Andover Director of Public Works and City Engineer) was available to answer questions and discuss the process of amending the Andover Wellhead Protection Plan.
With the addition of a municipal well – the City’s Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) has expanded to include additional land area where Andover will apply pollution prevention to protect the groundwater that is drawn into City wells. With the completion of Part 1 of the Plan, the City will collect comments and recommendations from residents as it sets protection goals to complete Part 2.
“Fortunately for Andover the vulnerability of aquifers used by municipal wells is either low or moderate” reported David Berkowitz. The recently released Andover Water Quality Report for 2014 states that no contaminants were detected in the distribution system at levels that violated federal drinking water standards.
Andover’s Wellhead Protection Plan (Part 1) includes information pertaining to:
- The delineation of the wellhead protection area(s),
- The Drinking Water Supply Management Area boundaries, and
- An assessment of the vulnerability of the wells and DWSMAs.
A copy of the amended Part 1 plan is available at Andover City Hall. For more information contact David Berkowitz at 763-767-5133.