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The City of Ramsey was incorporated in 1974 and established their initial water supply facility shortly after in 1984. Today, Ramsey city water services approximately half the City’s population and comes from 8 deep wells that draw from the Ironton-Galesville aquifer. There are 3 water towers, which have a combined water storage capacity of 4 million gallons.
Ramsey adds chlorine and fluoride to the water for disinfection and dental hygiene before it is distributed to homes and businesses across the city. Click here to view the Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report for 2020. If you still have questions about Ramsey’s drinking water after viewing the report, contact John Nelson, Utility Supervisor, at 763-433-9861 or jnelson@cityoframsey.com.

Wellhead Protection
In order to protect the City’s wells, the City of Ramsey has developed a Wellhead Protection Plan, approved by MDH. Most recently, their Part 1 Plan and Part 2 Plan updates were approved in 2019. Ramsey has been involved with the Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group since 2014, but has not officially signed the Joint Powers Agreement. If you have questions regarding Ramsey’s Wellhead Protection Plan, contact Ramsey’s Wellhead Protection Manager, Bruce Westby, City Engineer, at 763-433-9825 or bwestby@ci.ramsey.mn.us. For more information on Wellhead Protection Plans in general, refer to the MDH Source Water Protection webpage.
Private Wells
In addition, there are more than 3,500 private wells in the City of Ramsey. For information on testing your well water, visit the Anoka County Well Water Testing website or contact the Environmental Services Department at 763-324-4260. You can also usually find lots of information on your well with the MDH Minnesota Well Index (MWI). Click here to access the webtool.
Links and Resources
Be sure to check out the City of Ramsey’s website (https://www.ci.ramsey.mn.us/) and the links below: