Looking for water information?

The Anoka Conservation District and the seven (7) watershed management organizations are a terrific source of water information and protection activities in Anoka County.

The Anoka Conservation District (ACD) is a non-regulatory county level subdivision of state government. ACD provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners to manage natural resources in a way that conserves and improves soil and water resources. When established in 1946, ACD largely worked with agricultural producers but has since evolved to serve the changing demographics of the county.

Anoka Conservation District (763-434-2030)

Watershed management organizations manage water resources and surface water drainage systems to prevent property damage, maintain hydrologic balance, and protect water quality for the safety and enjoyment of citizens and the preservation and enhancement of wildlife habitat. Do you know what watershed you’re in?


Coon Creek Watershed District (763-755-0975)

Rice Creek Watershed District (763-398-3070)

Note: TMDL studies are expected for Anoka Chain of Lakes and Peltier.

Lower Rum River Watershed Management Organization

Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization

Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization

Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (612-465-8780)

Vadnais Lake Area Watershed Management Organization (651-204-6070)

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