In a survey of over 1,700 well owners, 67% believed their well water was safe without any evidence to support it. You can protect your health (and your family’s) by getting your well water tested. The Private Well Class, in conjunction with 2024 National Groundwater Awareness Week, held March 10-16, 2024, is excited to announce the 9th annual Pledge […]
Archive for the ‘City of Ham Lake’ Category

BWSR Approves Lower St. Croix One Watershed, One Plan

The following is a news release from the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). Anoka County communities within the Lower St. Croix major watershed are Linwood Township and portions of East Bethel, Ham Lake, and Columbus (see image at the end of this post). ——————————————————————————————— A collaborative effort among 15 local governments to […]

Well Sealing Cost-Share Opportunity

If you have an old well that you no longer use, you may be eligible for cost-share funding to seal it! Unused/unsealed wells could be direct conduits for pollution to reach our drinking water supply, so it is important to have them sealed by a professional. To qualify for up to 60% cost-share, unused/unsealed wells […]

Well water wise (3W) week (May 7-11, 2018)

The Anoka County Community Health and Environmental Services (CHES) Department, in cooperation with 15 municipalities and county agencies, is sponsoring the 19th annual Well Water Wise (3W) week promotion May 7-11, 2018 to encourage residents to check the safety of their private well water. For information on private well testing go to the Anoka County […]
Coon Creek Watershed Board of Managers Vacancy

The mission of the Coon Creek Watershed District (CCWD) is to manage groundwater and surface water drainage systems to prevent property damage, maintain hydrologic balance and protect water quality for the safety and enjoyment of citizens and the preservation and enhancement of wildlife habitat. The CCWD is administered by a five (5) member Board of Managers. […]

Upper Rum River Watershed Plan – Public Hearing

The Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization (URRWMO) Board has released their 2017 – 2027 Watershed Management Plan that describes the goals of WMO to protect and conserve water resources within the watershed. A public hearing to accept comments on the Watershed Plan will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at Oak […]
Septic Smart Week

During SepticSmart Week (September 19 – 23, 2016) homeowners are reminded to pump their septic tank(s) every 2 years and protect their drain field from digging and damage by heavy vehicles and machinery. One in five Anoka County homes have a well and septic on their property. Maintaining a septic system is important because the […]

Well Water Wise (3W) week (May 2-6, 2016) test your home/cabin well

The Anoka County Community Health and Environmental Services (CHES) Department, in cooperation with 15 municipalities and county agencies, is sponsoring the 17th annual “Well Water Wise” (3W) week promotion May 2-6, 2016 to encourage residents to check the safety of their private well water. For information on private well testing go to the Anoka County […]

Fall Recycling/Cleanup Events in September

By choosing to recycle, we reduce consumption of fossil fuel, create jobs in Anoka County and Minnesota, conserve natural resources and create environmental benefits. For information about recycling opportunities in your community, check out the Anoka County Residential Recycling Opportunities webpage. Since it takes less energy to manufacture products from recycled materials than it does […]