July is Smart Irrigation Month

Water used to maintain golf courses, parks, commercial properties, and residential yards is becoming a critical issue nationwide – even in the land of 10,000 lakes.  By and large, operators of in-ground irrigation systems tend to overwater their lawns, which can be costly, wasteful, and unsustainable for local water resources.

By selecting and planting carefully, watering wisely, and maintaining automated irrigation systems with rain or soil moisture sensors, consumers can save money, save water and see better results. Learn more at the Smart Irrigation Forum (6 pm, July 16th at the Bunker Hills Activity Center).

On average, Anoka County and the metropolitan area sees just over 30 inches of precipitation annually. While the amount of precipitation may be enough for a healthy lawn – the timing of rain sometimes isn’t idea for adequate growth. So, property owners may need to water their grass during dry periods, especially during the summer.

July is usually when water use peaks for lawns, gardens and landscapes. The purpose of Smart Irrigation Month is to increases public awareness about simple practices and innovative technologies that homeowners, businesses and property managers can use to:

  • Save money on utility bills.
  • Minimize increasing water system infrastructure costs (paid by taxes and fees).
  • Prevent unsustainable water use.
  • Protect the supply of local water resources for generations to come.

For more information regarding proper lawn watering practices, check out the Lawn Watering section of the University of Minnesota Extension Service Lawns webpage.

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