This week (March 6-12, 2022) is National Groundwater Awareness Week (#GWAW on social media). Created by the National Groundwater Association, #GWAW helps remind private well owners to test their water and inspect their well.
Private well owners are responsible for testing their water to ensure it is safe to drink. It is recommended to test your well annually for bacteria and nitrate. You should have a state-accredited laboratory do this test, rather than unverified tests you can find at the store. Click here for a list of laboratories in Minnesota that are accredited for testing drinking water.
Anoka County also offers a well water testing program. The program currently remains limited, so be sure to check out the website for more information:
In addition to annually testing the water, private well owners are encouraged to do a self-inspection of their well each year, or contact a well contractor to do this. Click here for a list of well contractors in and around Anoka County.
Are you a bit overwhelmed at don’t know where to start with your private well? The Minnesota Department of Health has created the Owner’s Guide to Wells that highlights all of the basics. be sure to check it out!
#GWAW also serves to highlight groundwater management and use in a more general sense. While over 44% of the national population depends on groundwater as their primary source of drinking water, 94% of Anoka County residents rely on groundwater. This may be a private well or city water that is supplied from larger municipal wells. Interested in where your city water comes from? Visit our Municipal Wellhead Protection page and click on your city.
In 2018, groundwater withdrawal by public and private wells amounted to over 11.8 billion gallons. By 2050, groundwater withdrawal is estimated to increase to over 19 billion gallons, per the Metropolitan Council. That’s a lot of water! This is why it is important to be aware of how much water we use and to limit our use when we can.
Take a few minutes this week to learn more about groundwater by searching #GWAW on social media platforms! Learn more about National Groundwater Awareness Week at the National Groundwater Association’s webpage.