UPDATE (Sept. 16, 2014). Anoka County’s master recycler (Sue Doll) will show how it’s done (StarTribune report).
Anoka County Integrated Waste Management and the City of Andover have partnered to offer a new Master Recycler/Composter program. Master Recycler/Composters are trained through an extensive five-week course in reducing waste, recycling, composting, resource recovery, and disposal. The Master Recycler/Composter program will create a volunteer pool of knowledgeable residents demonstrating to others the benefits of reducing waste at home, in the community and at work.
The five week course runs September 23 – October 21, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Anoka-Hennepin School District’s Staff Development Center, 2727 North Ferry Street, Anoka, MN 55303. To learn more call Anoka County Integrated Waste Management at 763-323-5730. Registration is limited to the first 30 participants. To register to go Anoka-Hennepin Community Education.