Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Coon Rapids fighting pollution with rain gardens

In the City of Coon Rapids, 18 curb-cut rain gardens will be installed this fall. The rain gardens will be evenly distributed between two neighborhoods that contribute runoff (water drainage from roofs, driveways, roads, sidewalks, etc) into Woodcrest Creek and Sand Creek that flow into the Mississippi River. The neighborhoods were identified as the most […]

Protect Your Groundwater Day – Sept. 8, 2015

On Protect Your Groundwater Day (September 8, 2015) the National Ground Water Association urges you to take action to protect an important natural resource — groundwater. When it comes to hazardous household substances: For a healthy home – Hazardous substances must be stored and used properly. Dispose of household hazardous waste safely at the Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off […]

Smart irrigation strategies to protect water supply

Participants at the Anoka County Smart Irrigation Presentation and Forum learned some tricks to keep their property looking great while reducing water use to preserve local natural resources. The depletion of groundwater and lowering of lake levels is a possibility when water use exceeds natural water resources supply. Mick Jost presented the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program […]

Keeping aquatic invasive species out of Anoka County waters

Minnesota and Anoka County waters are threatened by aquatic invasive species (AIS). Invasive species are not native to Minnesota and cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. Invasive species reaching Anoka County waterways threaten lake and river communities. It is illegal to transport any aquatic plants, zebra mussels, New Zealand mudsnails or other […]

How’s the water? Overmedicated

In the last decade, national and statewide studies have revealed that many chemicals with known or suggested endocrine-disrupting potential to adversely affect developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune systems in wildlife. These chemicals include pharmaceuticals, personal care products, chemicals associated with wastewater effluent, and a variety of industrial compounds. Apart from the disquieting realization that wastewater chemicals and […]

Waterspot on Anoka Sandplain Partnership

The Anoka Sandplain Partnership is a coalition of conservation stakeholders, led by Great River Greening, with a mission to bring together their collective expertise, resources and connections to advance terrestrial and freshwater resource conservation in this ecological region. The Anoka Sandplain serves as a critical filter of groundwater in Anoka County (and east-central Minnesota). It […]

Change your community for the better by volunteering

(Updated 4/15/2016) The Anoka County Board Of Commissioners has proclaimed April 12 – April 18, 2015 as Volunteer Recognition Week In Anoka County.  Volunteers Make Citizen Science Work (EPA YouTube; 2:12). Anoka County communities have established water resource management programs with their watershed management organization or a watershed district. The community’s surface water management program deals with land […]

Know where to go for a healthier family

GO ANOKA COUNTY is an online resource filled with information that identifies opportunities to engage in physical activity. Much of the outdoors activities encourage us to enjoy and appreciate our environment and natural resources as we build and improve our health and stamina. See what it’s all about in 41 seconds with the GoAnokaCounty video (YouTube; […]

Closed Landfill Program Celebrates 20 Years

Minnesota celebrates the 20th anniversary of its innovative Closed Landfill Program (CLP), the only program of its kind in the country. Before the CLP, the responsibility to properly close landfills was argued among neighboring communities and property owners through seemly endless lawsuits. The CLP has been ensuring the proper closure and post-closure care of landfills […]

The Safe Drinking Water Act turns 40

On December 16, 1974, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) intended to ensure safe drinking water for the public.  The SDWA applies to all public water supply systems including municipal water utilities and wells that serve mobile home parks, schools, churches and office buildings.  A home or cabin well system […]

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