(UPDATE 12/18/2013) A list of the Ten Cities That Could Run Out of Water – Growing Populations, Stressed Water Supplies (The Weather Channel) indicates that water resource management and supply issues are found across the nation. “Securing access to plentiful, renewable sources of fresh water is among the biggest struggles large cities around the world face. Growing populations and declining fresh water supplies – from rapidly depleting aquifers as well as drought-stricken reservoirs and rivers – mean that cities are scrambling to find solutions…”
(12/3/2013) Anoka County residents and businesses get their water from wells that draw from groundwater aquifers located directly below us. As our area grows, so does demand for water. Is there enough groundwater?
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resource (DNR) has established a North & East Metro Pilot Groundwater Management Area (including part or all of Anoka County) to:
- Improve information about area groundwater resources;
- Reinforce partnerships for sustainable groundwater use;
- Improve compliance with existing groundwater regulations; and
- Assure sustainable groundwater supply for future generations.
To illustrate the importance of our groundwater resources the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has released a video Living on the Edge: Our Water Supply at Risk. The DNR is expected to establish the boundaries of the North and East Metro Groundwater Management Area, plus a management plan, later in 2014.
WHAT CAN YOU DO, NOW? Consider home and business water conservation options that are provided on the WaterSense website (USEPA) or on the Water Conservation Toolbox webpage (Metropolitan Council). Combined, our conservation efforts will add up.