Archive for the ‘City of Blaine’ Category

Well Water Wise (3W) week (May 2-6, 2016) test your home/cabin well

The Anoka County Community Health and Environmental Services (CHES) Department, in cooperation with 15 municipalities and county agencies, is sponsoring the 17th annual “Well Water Wise” (3W) week promotion May 2-6, 2016 to encourage residents to check the safety of their private well water. For information on private well testing go to the Anoka County […]

Fridley joins in making well sealing grants available

The City of Fridley has grants available to assist property owners with sealing unused wells. The grants provides 50% reimbursement of eligible costs (up to a total of $750) for contracted well sealing work. If you have a well and are interested in having this work done, please complete the application. Cost-share grants available for a […]

Fall Recycling/Cleanup Events in September

By choosing to recycle, we reduce consumption of fossil fuel, create jobs in Anoka County and Minnesota, conserve natural resources and create environmental benefits. For information about recycling opportunities in your community, check out the Anoka County Residential Recycling Opportunities webpage. Since it takes less energy to manufacture products from recycled materials than it does […]

Waterspot on Circle Pines Drinking Water Protection and Well Sealing

Circle Pines has been busy protecting its drinking water from pollution. The City is providing cost-share grants to residents and landowners within the Circle Pines Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) to seal old unused wells  (near City wells) preventing pollution from contaminating the City’s drinking water supply. Minnesota law requires the owner of an unused […]

How’s the water? Overmedicated

In the last decade, national and statewide studies have revealed that many chemicals with known or suggested endocrine-disrupting potential to adversely affect developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune systems in wildlife. These chemicals include pharmaceuticals, personal care products, chemicals associated with wastewater effluent, and a variety of industrial compounds. Apart from the disquieting realization that wastewater chemicals and […]

Well Sealing Cost-share Grants Available

It comes as a surprise to many Anoka County residents and businesses that they have an old unused well on their property. Many homes and businesses were (and are) constructed before municipal water was available. So, a well is constructed to serve the building. As city water reaches the property, the well is replaced by a connection […]

Municipal water quality reports are available

Annual Water Report. Drinking water is safe at Anoka County’s community water supply systems, according to the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Drinking Water Annual Report. Each year, cities publish reports on the results of water quality tests of their water system. The 2014 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The […]

Watering restrictions + creating sustainable turf and water supply

During the summer months water use increases for lawn sprinkling. Homeowner water use in July can be six (6) times greater than January. Sudden increased water demand (especially during a dry summer) can exceed a public water system’s capacity causing the water tower to go dry. Odd-even watering bans keep residents from draining the water […]

Blaine clean water expert receives public health leadership award

Mr. Jim Hafner, City of Blaine Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Wellhead Protection Manager, has been awarded the 2015 Public Health Leadership Award from the Anoka County Board of Commissioners. Jim was recognized for his devotion to the protection and management of water resources in Anoka County through his selfless service as the Chairman of the Anoka County […]

Plan ahead to celebrate arbor day

Each year, on the last Friday of April, and throughout the month of May, Minnesotans recognize the value of trees, forests and the natural resources they represent.  Trees brighten the environment by moderating climate, improving air and water quality, conserving water and energy, and sheltering wildlife. Many community Arbor Day/Month events include tree sales that require […]

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