Teachers, parents, and other educators: Happy spring! As the snow melts and we get closer to April showers, it’s a great time for water education. If you have water themes coming up in your curriculum, don’t forget to check out our virtual Metro Area Children’s Water Festival resources. The festival took place last September, but […]
Archive for the ‘Stormwater’ Category
Upcoming Winter Maintenance Training for All Audiences
Whether you are an MS4 permittee, a homeowner, or a business owner, there are upcoming training and workshop opportunities for winter maintenance, provided by the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA): Mini Maintenance Workshops: Managing Snow and Ice – February 1st and February 3rd Level 2 Online Certification Training […]
New MS4 Training Videos
Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permittees are required to provide training for their staff on a variety of topics related to stormwater and pollution prevention. The Washington Conservation district has published a series of 11 short videos that can be shared with staff or incorporated into staff meetings or training workshops. One option could […]
MN Nutrient Reduction Strategy Progress Report
As the year comes to a close, it presents a good time to reflect on the progress of various water resources projects and set additional steps for moving forward. One such project is the Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS), which was adopted by 11 organizations in 2014. The NRS “outlines how Minnesota will reduce nutrient pollution […]
Anoka County Partners to Receive Clean Water Fund Grants
The following press release from the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) announces the approval of 37 grants to “support conservation projects benefiting drinking water and improving water quality”. Of these grants, three will go to Anoka County local government entities: the Coon Creek Watershed District (in partnership with the City of Coon […]
Translations of Water Resources Videos Now Available
Our Groundwater Connection The Anoka County Water Resource Outreach Collaborative has translated their “Our Groundwater Connection” video into the 6 most commonly spoken, non-English languages in Anoka County via subtitles. These languages include: Somali Hmong Spanish Vietnamese Arabic Russian To access the subtitles (except for Hmong – keep reading for instructions to view Hmong subtitles), […]