Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

St. Cloud Phosphorous Recovery

Check out this cool video the City of St. Cloud recently produced to illustrate the process of recovering phosphorous from their wastewater! “In 2017, the Clean Water Fund provided partial support to the City of St. Cloud through the Public Facilities Authority’s Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) program. The grant supported upgrades to the city’s […]

EPA Risk Assessment & Emergency Response Planning

Calling all community water systems – do you have questions about the ERP (Emergency Response Plan) required by the EPA? There is a free training coming up on October 29th, 2019. The training will be held in Chicago, but you can attend via webinar. You must register by October 22nd, 2019. ” The U.S. Environmental […]

Fire Prevention Week 2019

This week (October 6th – 12th, 2019) is Fire Prevention Week – is your household prepared? Did you know that you only have about 1-2 minutes to evacuate your home after the alarm sounds? The timeline in a fire moves much more quickly than you might think – click here for a descriptive explanation of […]

Lakeshore Restoration/Management Video

Are you a part of a lake association? Are you interested in learning more about lakeshore restoration and management? An animated, informative video (similar to the groundwater one recently published) on lakeshore restoration and management is in the works! The video will help explain the benefits of a restored shoreline, go over the various potential […]

Saving Our Groundwater

Recently, the Anoka County Water Resources Collaborative (WROC) published an animated, informative video on groundwater called “Our Groundwater Connection”. Staff from the Anoka Conservation District, MN Green Corps, and Anoka County Environmental Services were interviewed about the video by QCTV. We answered questions related to the video, as well as groundwater in general. Check out […]

Ramsey drinking water protection plan moving forward

A Public Information Meeting was held at Ramsey City Hall (Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 5:30pm) where Part 1 of the amended Ramsey Wellhead Protection Plan was presented to the Public Works Committee. The City of Ramsey is updating and improving its wellhead protection plan for its water supply wells. The Minnesota Department of Health approved […]

Freezing problems and septic systems

According to many septic system professionals, a winter of cold temperatures and little snow can cause freezing of onsite systems. Even in a normal Minnesota winter, freezing can occasionally be a problem. Identifying and correcting a potential freezing problem is far easier than dealing with a frozen system. Here are a few common causes of […]

International Day of Women & Girls in Science

International Day of Women and Girls in Science. A gender gap persists in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines all over the world. Women have made tremendous progress increasing their participation in the science and engineering fields. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science inspires all women that they can be […]

Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (East Bethel) is in its 75th year

Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve will celebrate its 75th year on September 9, 2017 (1:00 to 5:00pm). Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss this special event!! Since 1942, scientists at Cedar Creek ESR have been studying plants, animals, soil, water and ecosystems with the goal of better understanding and improving the world we […]

Anoka water almanac 2016 is now available

The 2016 Anoka Water Almanac (20+ Mb) provides a comprehensive review of the quantity and quality of Anoka County water resources in 2016.  This almanac summarizes water resources management and monitoring work done as a cooperative effort between the Anoka Conservation District the watershed districts or watershed management organizations. The Almanac presents water information on a watershed […]

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