Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permittees are required to provide training for their staff on a variety of topics related to stormwater and pollution prevention. The Washington Conservation district has published a series of 11 short videos that can be shared with staff or incorporated into staff meetings or training workshops. One option could […]
Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Hold the Salt to Protect Minnesota Water

Minnesotans love their lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water, but we’ve got a growing problem with salt pollution. Excess salt (chlorides) comes primarily from three sources: Road salt Water softeners Fertilizer, manure, and dust suppressant Salty water threatens fish and other aquatic life. Chloride can also get into our groundwater, so water supplies that […]

New Videos Explaining One Watershed One Plan Program

Previous posts on Know the Flow and around the web have discussed or mentioned the One Watershed, One Plan program (1W1P). The 1W1P program is administered by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) and its purpose is to “develop comprehensive watershed management plans for Minnesota’s major watersheds*.” Last week, BWSR released a […]

Translations of Water Resources Videos Now Available

Our Groundwater Connection The Anoka County Water Resource Outreach Collaborative has translated their “Our Groundwater Connection” video into the 6 most commonly spoken, non-English languages in Anoka County via subtitles. These languages include: Somali Hmong Spanish Vietnamese Arabic Russian To access the subtitles (except for Hmong – keep reading for instructions to view Hmong subtitles), […]

Tips for a Healthy Lawn

Healthy lawns can lead to healthy water quality. Curious as to how you can best maintain your lawn and how this can improve water quality? Check out this how-to video from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO). The video contains information on the following tips: Tip #1: Adjust Your Mower Height Tip #2: Mulch Your […]

New Video: Our Lakeshore Connection

Anoka County Water Resource Outreach Collaborative partners worked with several local lake associations to produce and fund a new video: Our Lakeshore Connection. The animated video is about lakeshore restoration and stewardship. The beginning of the video helps viewers to understand lakes and what makes a healthy lake and lakeshore. The rest of the video […]

Lakeshore Restoration/Management Video

Are you a part of a lake association? Are you interested in learning more about lakeshore restoration and management? An animated, informative video (similar to the groundwater one recently published) on lakeshore restoration and management is in the works! The video will help explain the benefits of a restored shoreline, go over the various potential […]

Saving Our Groundwater

Recently, the Anoka County Water Resources Collaborative (WROC) published an animated, informative video on groundwater called “Our Groundwater Connection”. Staff from the Anoka Conservation District, MN Green Corps, and Anoka County Environmental Services were interviewed about the video by QCTV. We answered questions related to the video, as well as groundwater in general. Check out […]
Organics recycling

What are organics? Organics are the biodegradable portion of trash that can be composted at a commercial composting facility that includes: all food scraps such as leftovers, peelings and spoiled food soiled, non-recyclable papers such as facial tissue, paper towels, paper napkins and delivery pizza boxes certified compostable products such as compostable tableware and bags […]

SepticSmart Week

SepticSmart Week (September 17th through 21st, 2018). It isn’t difficult to maintain a septic system. Just like a wastewater treatment plant, homeowners have to maintain their system in good condition to keep it working right. All it takes is regular maintenance. During SepticSmart Week homeowners are reminded to pump their septic tank(s) every 2 years and […]