(September 28, 2017) Over 1,400 fourth grade students (including 200 Anoka County students) attended the 20th annual Metro Children’s Water Festival. The students participated in a number of water presentations learning the most important lesson – water is the reason life exists on earth (water is life). Learning stations at the Festival include: Water: Water is constantly […]
Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category
SepticSmart Week – September 18-22, 2017
(UPDATE! Sept. 17, 2017) Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed the week of September 18-22, 2017 as SepticSmart Week in Minnesota to recognize the importance that septic systems play in properly treating wastewater, protecting public health and maintaining clean water for drinking, swimming and fishing. “Proper septic system care and maintenance is vital to protecting public health; preserving […]
Protect lakes and streams with an Aquatic Invasive Species grant
Anoka County Parks and Community Services wants to partner with lakeshore owners, lake associations and communities to protect our lakes, streams and rivers from aquatic invasive species. The Anoka County Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Grant application window will soon be closing on June 30, 2017. It is a first come, first serve grant and once […]
Plans for a better future for the Rum River
A pair of water quality studies are good news, bad news for the Rum River watershed that starts at Lake Mille Lacs and flows through Anoka County where it meets the Mississippi River in the City of Anoka. While most of river is in good shape, some waters are in trouble. Six streams have high bacteria […]
Contest to protect pollinators is good for water too
Announcing the Andover pollinator friendly garden/landscape contest (enter by July 10th). See if your Andover property is the garden/landscape that pollinators love most! Then, take a tour around the city and see the various types of landscapes that are “pollinator-friendly” and an example of ways to bee in harmony with nature. Andover has established, by proclamation, recognizing the need and […]
Drinking water test reports available
Annual Water Report. Each year, community water suppliers prepare a report on the results of water quality tests of their water system in the previous year. The 2016 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The reports describe where the drinking water comes from and what’s in it. Groundwater, from wells, is […]
2016 Citizen Water Monitoring Reports Ready
With the many lakes, streams and creeks found throughout Anoka County – how can we tell if our water resources remain clean? It’ll take a lot to monitor and track trends in the quality of our water resources. Volunteers make the difference by collecting and sharing water quality information. And that data is shared through the Citizen Water […]
Citizens Monitoring Anoka County Waters (Thank You)
Anoka County communities owe citizen volunteers our gratitude for monitoring and reporting water quality data. Resident volunteers collect periodic water clarity information for the Minnesota’s Citizen Stream Monitoring and Citizen Lake Monitoring Programs. The data collected by citizens is entered and maintained in a Lake and Stream Database used by residents, lake associations, schools, community organizations, watershed management organizations, […]
For the sake of our lakes, keep your pavement on a low-salt diet
As the snow falls and temperatures drop to freeze roads, driveways, parking lots and sidewalks – most of us will rely on SALT to clear roads and sidewalks. It is estimated that we use more than 350,000 tons of salt on the metro area roads, parking lots and sidewalks annually. Road salt, containing chloride, enters […]
The Watershed Approach (Video Series)
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has developed a four-part series on the “Watershed Approach” a relatively new process for gauging the health of Minnesota’s waters and taking action to protect or restore them. The series includes: Part 1 – What is a watershed? Part 2 – How we got where we are Part 3 – […]