Dr. Jay Famiglietti, is a University of California, Irvine, professor and leader in worldwide research using NASA satellites to measure changes in the Earth’s stores of groundwater. Recently, Dr. Famiglietti visited the University of Minnesota to present the findings of his research titled Dwindling Groundwater Reserves as Viewed from Space (UofM video, 1:40:52) including discussion with […]
Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category
Dwindling groundwater reserves – learning from the California experience
SepticSmart week
(UPDATE Sept. 22, 2014) Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed SepticSmart Week 2014 (Sept. 22-26, 2014) in Minnesota. During SepticSmart Week homeowners are reminded to regularly pump their septic tank(s) every 2 years (3 years minimum) and protect their drain field from digging and damage by heavy vehicles and machinery. Did you know that one in […]
Water use and sustainability (new information videos)
In most recent months Anoka County (and most of Minnesota) has experienced precipitation causing drought conditions to ease (see Drought Monitor). Such classifications are helpful in the management of plants and crops. However, the Drought Monitor does not determine the condition of groundwater resources that can experience depletions due to prolonged and high volumes of […]
Where does storm water end up?
WCCO “Good Question” reporter Heather Brown, leads a camera crew into the Minneapolis storm sewers to show what happens to all that melting snow and rainwater that runs off our roads and into the storm drains. The answer gives us all a good reason to do our part in keeping waste and pollution from reaching […]
Rum River biomonitoring
The Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization and Anoka Conservation District have produced an informational video about how small creatures in our water resources can tell us about the quality of the Rum River.
Water you waiting for? (professions in the water industry)
A recent survey (10 jobs Americans can’t live without) found that water/waterwater operators finished behind only registered nurses in the necessity of their jobs to society. “Water You Waiting For?” is a 12-minute video describing the water profession for high school and/or vocational technical school students in four segments: the value of water job responsibilities career […]
Check out “Liquid Assets Minnesota”
If you have a chance, take some time to watch TPT’s Liquid Assets Minnesota. http://www.tpt.org/?a=programs&id=21634 This program explores concerns about Minnesota’s aging water infrastructure. Many drinking water systems, sanitary sewers and storm sewers throughout the state are rapidly approaching the end of their useful life, so communities of all sizes are trying to come up with […]