ANNOUNCEMENT (link). The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) announces the availability of funding to support the protection of drinking water at noncommunity transient public water system (PWS) that include water wells that serve a restaurant, hotel or office building. Noncommunity transient systems serve at least 25 people at least 60 days of the year, but do […]
Archive for the ‘Wellhead Protection’ Category

Drinking water test reports available

Annual Water Report. Each year, community water suppliers prepare a report on the results of water quality tests of their water system in the previous year. The 2016 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The reports describe where the drinking water comes from and what’s in it. Groundwater, from wells, is […]

Connecting water to business, health and community vitality

The City or Ramsey held its 9th annual Business Expo (4/1/2017). At the Expo was the Anoka County Water Task Force representing the various local and state agencies that monitor water resources in our communities and support initiatives to keep our lakes, streams, rivers and groundwater clean and sustainable. Anoka County water resources are too often taken […]

Public Water Supply – Plan Implementation Grants Available

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) announces the availability of Source Water Implementation Grant funding to support the implementation of source water protection plans or Transient Non-community. Source water protection plans are either 1) wellhead protection plans; or 2) surface water intake protection plans that have been endorsed by the Minnesota Department of Health. Grant […]

Blaine Wellhead Protection Plan is progressing

A Public Information Meeting was held at Blaine City Hall (Wednesday, January 4, 2017) where Part 1 of the Wellhead Protection Plan was discussed. Blaine is amending its Wellhead Protection Plan for its drinking water supply wells. The Minnesota Department of Health approved the amendment of Part 1 of the city’s plan. Part 1 (of 2 parts) […]

So, you think you know your property. Do you have an old well?

Many Anoka County residents and businesses would be surprised to learn that an old well is hidden or buried in the basement or on their property. Old wells that have not been properly sealed become a serious hazard to the quality of groundwater and the safety of the community’s drinking water supply. Minnesota law requires […]

Waterspot on the Minnesota Well Index

Recently the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) launched an improved online database called the Minnesota Well Index (Index) of home and cabin water well construction records. The MDH protects the safety of drinking water by establishing standards for the location, construction and maintenance of water supply wells at homes, cabins and public water supply systems. In Anoka County […]

Water Master Stewards coming to Anoka County communities

The Rice Creek Watershed District and Mississippi Watershed Management Organization are seeking volunteers committed to water resource protection and driven to make a difference by becoming a Master Water Steward. By combining your talents and energy with your local watershed organization – you can protect and enhance the lake, creek, river, wetland and groundwater resources that offer […]

Andover’s drinking water protection plan moves forward

The City of Andover is in the process of amending its wellhead protection plan to protect the safety of drinking water that is supplied to residents. An information meeting was held at Andover City Hall Council Chambers where David Berkowitz (Andover Director of Public Works and City Engineer) was available to answer questions and discuss the […]

Well Sealing Cost-share Grants Available

It comes as a surprise to many Anoka County residents and businesses that they have an old unused well on their property. Many homes and businesses were (and are) constructed before municipal water was available. So, a well is constructed to serve the building. As city water reaches the property, the well is replaced by a connection […]