Water used to maintain golf courses, parks, commercial properties, and residential yards is becoming a critical issue nationwide – even in the land of 10,000 lakes. By and large, operators of in-ground irrigation systems tend to overwater their lawns, which can be costly, wasteful, and unsustainable for local water resources. By selecting and planting carefully, watering wisely, […]
Archive for the ‘Workshops and Classes’ Category

Watering restrictions + creating sustainable turf and water supply

During the summer months water use increases for lawn sprinkling. Homeowner water use in July can be six (6) times greater than January. Sudden increased water demand (especially during a dry summer) can exceed a public water system’s capacity causing the water tower to go dry. Odd-even watering bans keep residents from draining the water […]

Class registration is open for the 2015 Metro Children’s Water Festival

Attention 4th grade teachers in the twin-cities metropolitan area! Registration is open for the drawing of classes to attend the 2015 Metro Area Children’s Water Festival that will take place on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. The Festival will accept 44 classes (over 1,200 students) at this event. The purpose of the festival is […]

Local professionals discuss water conservation and pollution prevention at LQG hazardous waste training

Representatives from businesses that produce large quantities of hazardous waste attended the December 9, 2014 Hazardous Waste workshop held by Anoka County Environmental Services. The attendees recieved information, not only on managing hazardous waste, but on protection of their community’s local water resources and drinking water supply. Mick Jost, Program Coordinator, MM Technical Assistance Program (email, 612-624-4694) Know […]

Become a Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer

Discover the wonders of our natural resources and lead others by becoming a Minnesota Master Naturalist (MMN). Who can become a Minnesota Master Naturalist? Any adult who is curious and enjoys learning about the natural world, shares that knowledge with others, and supports conservation. If you enjoy hiking, bird watching, following tracks, or identifying wildflowers, […]

Winter maintenance choices for clean water

Water pollution from salt (or chloride) is widespread in metropolitan areas of the upper midwest. The majority comes from salt de-icers used for winter maintenance of roads, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks. Education and Training can reduce pollution of water resources by applying deicing chemicals effectively to remove ice while minimizing pollution of our water resources. FOR […]

The buzz on pesticides

We are experiencing an alarming reduction in our bee population with increased use of pesticides in agricultural and urban areas. How and why bees are declining isn’t fully understood, which is more alarming. Bees are pollinators – a part of the cycle of life. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from one part of a […]

Become a Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer

Discover the wonders of our natural resources and lead others by becoming a Minnesota Master Naturalist. Who can become a Minnesota Master Naturalist? Any adult who is curious and enjoys learning about the natural world, shares that knowledge with others, and supports conservation. If you enjoy hiking, bird watching, following tracks, or identifying wildflowers, you’ll love being […]

Very Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Workshop

Announcing Hazardous Waste Training for Very Small Quantity Generators (May 13, 2014). Are you responsible for managing hazardous waste at your facility? This workshop will introduce Small Quantity hazardous waste generators to the management and compliance standards required by Minnesota rules. The workshop it designed for newcomers and those who need a refresher. It covers […]

Businesses required to take Aquatic Invasive Species training

Businesses that rent, lease or decontaminate boats or other water-related equipment are now required to attend Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) training and acquire a permit under a state law change that took effect in July. “Before this change, the law applied only to businesses such as marinas, dock haulers, boat clubs and others who install […]