During SepticSmart Week (September 19 – 23, 2016) homeowners are reminded to pump their septic tank(s) every 2 years and protect their drain field from digging and damage by heavy vehicles and machinery. One in five Anoka County homes have a well and septic on their property. Maintaining a septic system is important because the […]
Archive for the ‘City of East Bethel’ Category

Drinking water quality reports are available

Annual Water Report. Each year, community water suppliers prepare a report on the results of water quality tests of their water system in the previous year. The 2015 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The reports describe where the drinking water comes from and what’s in it. Groundwater, from wells, is […]

Well Water Wise (3W) week (May 2-6, 2016) test your home/cabin well

The Anoka County Community Health and Environmental Services (CHES) Department, in cooperation with 15 municipalities and county agencies, is sponsoring the 17th annual “Well Water Wise” (3W) week promotion May 2-6, 2016 to encourage residents to check the safety of their private well water. For information on private well testing go to the Anoka County […]

Waterspot on Sandhill Crane Natural Area – a natural treasure

The Sandhill Crane Natural Area is named for the stately sandhill crane that graces lake shores. It is cooperatively managed by the City of East Bethel, Anoka County Parks, and two state agencies. This innovative approach to open space protection, marked by ecological information, has earned national awards. The SCNA contains various wetland communities as well as […]

Fall Recycling/Cleanup Events in September

By choosing to recycle, we reduce consumption of fossil fuel, create jobs in Anoka County and Minnesota, conserve natural resources and create environmental benefits. For information about recycling opportunities in your community, check out the Anoka County Residential Recycling Opportunities webpage. Since it takes less energy to manufacture products from recycled materials than it does […]

Recycling award winners for 2014

Anoka County Recycling & Resource Solutions (formerly Integrated Waste Management) recently held its 26th annual Recycling Recognition Awards ceremony (news release). 180,821 tons in 2014. Municipalities, haulers, and service providers assisted Anoka County residents, institutions and businesses to recycle 180,821 tons of materials in 2014, resulting in the recycling of 42% of all waste generated in […]

Municipal water quality reports are available

Annual Water Report. Drinking water is safe at Anoka County’s community water supply systems, according to the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Drinking Water Annual Report. Each year, cities publish reports on the results of water quality tests of their water system. The 2014 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The […]

Sunrise River WRAPS report available for comment

East Bethel and Linwood communities are inside the Sunrise River Watershed. Residents on Sunrise River (including Coon, Typo, Martin and Linwood lakes) know that the quality of these water-bodies depend on proper management of the land that surrounds them (the watershed). The Sunrise River Watershed spans throughout the counties of Anoka, Chisago, Isanti, and Washington as […]
SepticSmart week

(UPDATE Sept. 22, 2014) Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed SepticSmart Week 2014 (Sept. 22-26, 2014) in Minnesota. During SepticSmart Week homeowners are reminded to regularly pump their septic tank(s) every 2 years (3 years minimum) and protect their drain field from digging and damage by heavy vehicles and machinery. Did you know that one in […]

Pollution Prevention (P2) week

During National Pollution Prevention (P2) week (Sept. 15 – 21, 2014) Americans are asked to consider their everyday decisions that generate pollution. The best way to protect Anoka County’s natural and water resources is to stop creating pollution in the first place. Pollution Prevention (P2) Week highlights community efforts to make pollution prevention a cornerstone of […]