Several articles recently appeared in Twin Cities newspapers, television and websites regarding the safety of drinking water. Reports of waste disposal polluting groundwater and well water has called attention to the safety of drinking water in the metropolitan area (What did 3M know about PFCs, StarTribune, 11/26/2017; 3M Pollution raised cancer rates, Pioneer Press, 11/20/2017; and Drinking […]
Archive for the ‘City of Lexington’ Category
Drinking water test reports available
Annual Water Report. Each year, community water suppliers prepare a report on the results of water quality tests of their water system in the previous year. The 2016 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The reports describe where the drinking water comes from and what’s in it. Groundwater, from wells, is […]
Drinking water quality reports are available
Annual Water Report. Each year, community water suppliers prepare a report on the results of water quality tests of their water system in the previous year. The 2015 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The reports describe where the drinking water comes from and what’s in it. Groundwater, from wells, is […]
Community watering restrictions are going into effect
As Anoka County communities grow – so does our demand for water. The trick is to use water wisely so that our combined water demand doesn’t exceed our local water resources supply. During the summer months water use increases for lawn sprinkling. A homeowners water use in July can be six (6) times greater than January. Lawn Watering Tips […]
Fridley joins in making well sealing grants available
The City of Fridley has grants available to assist property owners with sealing unused wells. The grants provides 50% reimbursement of eligible costs (up to a total of $750) for contracted well sealing work. If you have a well and are interested in having this work done, please complete the application. Cost-share grants available for a […]
Waterspot on Circle Pines Drinking Water Protection and Well Sealing
Circle Pines has been busy protecting its drinking water from pollution. The City is providing cost-share grants to residents and landowners within the Circle Pines Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) to seal old unused wells (near City wells) preventing pollution from contaminating the City’s drinking water supply. Minnesota law requires the owner of an unused […]
Recycling award winners for 2014
Anoka County Recycling & Resource Solutions (formerly Integrated Waste Management) recently held its 26th annual Recycling Recognition Awards ceremony (news release). 180,821 tons in 2014. Municipalities, haulers, and service providers assisted Anoka County residents, institutions and businesses to recycle 180,821 tons of materials in 2014, resulting in the recycling of 42% of all waste generated in […]
Well Sealing Cost-share Grants Available
It comes as a surprise to many Anoka County residents and businesses that they have an old unused well on their property. Many homes and businesses were (and are) constructed before municipal water was available. So, a well is constructed to serve the building. As city water reaches the property, the well is replaced by a connection […]
Municipal water quality reports are available
Annual Water Report. Drinking water is safe at Anoka County’s community water supply systems, according to the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Drinking Water Annual Report. Each year, cities publish reports on the results of water quality tests of their water system. The 2014 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The […]
Watering restrictions + creating sustainable turf and water supply
During the summer months water use increases for lawn sprinkling. Homeowner water use in July can be six (6) times greater than January. Sudden increased water demand (especially during a dry summer) can exceed a public water system’s capacity causing the water tower to go dry. Odd-even watering bans keep residents from draining the water […]