Archive for the ‘Stormwater’ Category

Minnesota Ground Water Association 2020 Fall Conference

The Minnesota Ground Water Association (MGWA) will be hosting its 2020 Fall Conference virtually on November 12th, 2020 from 8 am to 4:30 pm via Zoom. The focus of the conference is “Keeping it Clean: Protecting and Managing Groundwater Quality in Urban Environments”. Registration is open now and the deadline for pre-registration is November 6th. […]

Virtual MS4 Permit Chloride Discussion

Are you a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permittee? The new MS4 General Permit is planned to be issued on Monday, November 16, 2020. Existing MS4 permittees will have 150 days (April 15, 2021) to complete and submit the permit application forms to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). There will be an opportunity […]

Tips for a Healthy Lawn

Healthy lawns can lead to healthy water quality. Curious as to how you can best maintain your lawn and how this can improve water quality? Check out this how-to video from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO). The video contains information on the following tips: Tip #1: Adjust Your Mower Height Tip #2: Mulch Your […]

Water Your Yard and Garden with the Help of a Rainbarrel

The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) has put together a quick guide and how-to video for installing and using a rainbarrel in your yard. You can use rainbarrels to collect rainwater to water your lawn, gardens, plants, and more. Collecting and using rainwater reduces the amount of potable water used for watering. It also helps […]

Minnesotans Invited to Adopt a Drain in Honor of 50th “Earth Day Birthday”

Adopt-a-Drain invites Minnesotans to honor Earth Day’s 50th birthday by cleaning up their own street between April 17th and April 30th. Adopting a storm drain is an easy way to have a positive impact on our environment while maintaining a safe social distance. Adopt-a-Drain is a program that asks residents to protect nearby lakes, rivers, […]

MWMO’s New “Path to the River” Tool

The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) recently published a blog post about their new Path to the River tool, which is also embedded into their new stormwater Story Map. The tool allows residents to see exactly how water flows from their street into the river, including the path it takes, how fast it moves, and […]

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