This week, September 20-25th, is SepticSmart Week! SepticSmart Week is an annual event in which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designates a week that is focused on how homeowners and renters can care for and maintain their septic systems. Many homes, as well as businesses, in Anoka County are served by septic systems. It […]
Archive for the ‘Wellhead Protection’ Category

MDH Source Water Protection Grants

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has two new grant opportunities that are now available. There are two different grants for different types of public water supply systems: one for community and nontransient noncommunity public water supply systems and one for transient noncommunity public water supply systems. The deadline for applications for both grants is […]

2021 Metro Children’s Water Festival

SAVE THE DATE for a fun-filled virtual festival sharing presentations and activities about our most precious resource – water! The Metro Children’s Water Festival will host a virtual water festival beginning the week of September 27th and it will be available throughout the 2021-2022 school year. Virtual lessons consist of videos on downloadable curriculum and […]

Summer 2021 Anoka County Well Water Testing

With the Government Center remaining closed to the public beyond the first floor, the Anoka County Well Water Testing program will continue to operate on a limited basis. However, we will resume accepting samples for arsenic and manganese testing, in addition to the sanitary analysis (bacteria and nitrate). Please see below for full details. Anoka […]

Opportunities to Learn and Serve

There are always lots of opportunities to learn more about water resources and to serve in the community! Three opportunities are highlighted below, including an upcoming street sweeping webinar, the free 2021 Virtual Mississippi River Institute, and an opening on the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board for a Public Board Member. Upcoming Street Sweeping Webinar On […]

Source Water Protection Competitive Grant Accepting Applications

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is currently accepting applications for their Competitive Grant, which is available to all community and nontransient noncommunity public water systems The purpose of the funding is to support actives that address a potential contamination source that presents a high risk to a source of drinking water as determined by […]

National Groundwater Awareness Week

Tomorrow marks the end of this year’s National Groundwater Awareness Week (March 7-13, 2021). Did you know that 94% of Anoka County residents rely on groundwater for their drinking water? This may be a private well or city water that is supplied from larger municipal wells. In 2018, groundwater withdrawal by public and private wells […]