Who would you prefer to lunch with? A Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve scientist? A Wargo Nature Center naturalist? Or maybe you’d prefer dinner at Springbrook Nature Center to discover what’s new and happening in science, nature and our community. “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” […]
Archive for the ‘Workshops and Classes’ Category

SepticSmart Week

SepticSmart Week (September 17th through 21st, 2018). It isn’t difficult to maintain a septic system. Just like a wastewater treatment plant, homeowners have to maintain their system in good condition to keep it working right. All it takes is regular maintenance. During SepticSmart Week homeowners are reminded to pump their septic tank(s) every 2 years and […]
Sign up for the Natural Resources Field Trip

Anoka County Extension Service invites all 4th & 5th grade classrooms to attend the Natural Resources Field Trip. FIELD TRIP OBJECTIVES Provides a fun environmental experience in a natural, outdoor setting. Includes information about Minnesota habitat and wildlife at different stations out in nature. Educational topics may include: birds, honey bees, animals, plants, trees, recycling, […]
SepticSmart Week – September 18-22, 2017

(UPDATE! Sept. 17, 2017) Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed the week of September 18-22, 2017 as SepticSmart Week in Minnesota to recognize the importance that septic systems play in properly treating wastewater, protecting public health and maintaining clean water for drinking, swimming and fishing. “Proper septic system care and maintenance is vital to protecting public health; preserving […]

Proving Stormwater Reuse a Possibility

Collecting and reusing stormwater for irrigation is gaining attention. By reducing stormwater pollution runoff directly into creeks, rivers and lakes – we are preserving our swimming, fishing and drinking water resources. Another benefit is to help reduce increased groundwater withdrawal, by wells, for irrigation of lawns, gardens and landscape. The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) […]

Become a Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer

Discover the wonders of our natural resources and lead others by becoming a Minnesota Master Naturalist (MMN). Who can become a Minnesota Master Naturalist? Any adult who is curious and enjoys learning about the natural world, shares that knowledge with others, and supports conservation. If you enjoy hiking, bird watching, following tracks, or identifying wildflowers, you’ll love […]

Waterspot on Master Water Stewards

The Master Water Stewards program is a volunteer education and outreach program designed to equip citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to help improve water quality within a community. Stewards are certified by participating in a broad training curriculum led by experts in the fields of hydrology, stormwater management, water policy, community-based social marketing, landscape assessment, and installation […]
Water Festival Learning for the Classroom & National Art Challenge

Attention elementary and environmental educators. The Metro Area Children’s Water Festival is offering a special WET (Water Education for Teachers) workshop to provide teachers with the hands-on program of getting students “immersed” in water knowledge (KARE11 report). This indoor/outdoor workshop is designed for teachers, naturalists and other educators interested in the CWF curriculum and activities. Participants […]

4th grade teachers! – register for the metro area childen’s water fest

Each year over 1,200 fourth-grade students have attended the annual Metro Area Children’s Water Festival since 1998. That’s over 21,000 students that participated in this unique education program. It may seem like a drop in the 4th-grade lake – but that drop creates ripples around the twin-cities and changes in tomorrow’s citizen’s about our local water resources. CWF is […]

Water Master Stewards coming to Anoka County communities

The Rice Creek Watershed District and Mississippi Watershed Management Organization are seeking volunteers committed to water resource protection and driven to make a difference by becoming a Master Water Steward. By combining your talents and energy with your local watershed organization – you can protect and enhance the lake, creek, river, wetland and groundwater resources that offer […]