Archive for the ‘City of Circle Pines’ Category

N & E Metro Groundwater Management Area includes Anoka County

(UPDATE 12/18/2013) A list of the Ten Cities That Could Run Out of Water – Growing Populations, Stressed Water Supplies (The Weather Channel) indicates that water resource management and supply issues are found across the nation.  “Securing access to plentiful, renewable sources of fresh water is among the biggest struggles large cities around the world face. Growing […]

Comments invited on the Minnesota Strategic Plan for Groundwater Management

(UPDATE 11/5/2013) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released a report on the Importance of Water to the U.S. Economy (PDF, 37 pp, 2MB). The report highlights water’s importance to our national economic welfare, and summarizes information necessary to understand and manage water resources. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released their Draft Groundwater Strategic Plan (GWSP) to […]

Residents urged to ACT for drinking water protection

Acknowledge, Consider, Take action The Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group urges you to take three steps (Acknowledge, Consider and Take Action) to protect our important groundwater resource and the source of your drinking water. ​1. ACKNOWLEDGE that preventing ground water pollution protects the water that we drink ​​​​​​Everyone ​​Our lifestyle is due, in part, to […]

Drinking water quality reports are available

Drinking water is generally in good shape at Anoka County’s community water supply systems, according to the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Drinking Water Annual Report 2012.  Highlighted in the report is completion of the first phase of a new water and stand-alone wastewater system in East Bethel. “Water is the key to development” said […]

Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group receives Governor’s Award

(June 4, 2014) Lieutenant Governor Prettner Solon presented the Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group (ACMWPG) with a Source Water Protection Award for their success in protecting the groundwater source of drinking water for eight communities.  The Group is comprised of the cities of Anoka, Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Fridley, Lexington, Lino Lakes, and Spring Lake Park […]

Seal old wells to protect groundwater and nearby drinking water wells

Property owners in the wellhead protection areas of pubic water supply wells are urged to perform a voluntary well survey.   Until properly sealed, unused (abandoned) wells threaten the safety of nearby active wells.  Abandoned wells within the wellhead protection area of a public supply well (known as the Drinking Water Supply Management Area – see […]

Rain gardens are improving water quality

Rain gardens are a cost-effective best management practice (BMP) to reduce storm water runoff pollution from reaching water resources.  Rain gardens reduce the degradation of water bodies by holding and infiltrating storm-water runoff that would otherwise drain (untreated) to the creek. SAND CREEK RAIN GARDENS (Coon Creek Watershed District)  Nine (9) curb-cut rain gardens were […]

Celebrating 40 years of the Clean Water Act in Anoka County

Forty years ago, public concern about untreated sewage, industrial and toxic discharges, and contaminated stormwater runoff led to passage of a principal law to protect the nation’s waters – the Clean Water Act (CWA).  Based on state and local efforts, CWA sets a national goal “to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of […]

FEMA is updating Flood Insurance Rate Maps

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is currently updating Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) in Anoka County. Flood risk can, and does, change over time for many reasons including new development and environmental changes, to name a few. As a result FEMA is updating flood hazard maps across the country. These new flood maps show flood […]

Wellhead Protection Public Meetings

The Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group has held two area meetings to ask residents and businesses near municipal water supply wells to use best management practices to prevent pollution of the soils and groundwater. The area meetings were held: February 15th at Circle Pines City Hall (for Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes) […]

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