Archive for the ‘City of Ramsey’ Category

Rum River Elementary is going to the Metro Area Children’s Water Festival

Six (6) fourth grade classes (180 students) from Rum River Elementary will be attending the Metro Area Children’s Water Festival being held at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds on Wednesday, September 25, 2013. The Festival is a hands-on learning experience for 1,200 metro area students to learn ways they can help to ensure a future where […]

Volunteer at the Metro Area Children’s Water Festival

The participating classes have been selected for the 2013 Metro Area Children’s Water Festival (September 25th) that educates over 1,200 4th grade students each year by bringing water resources professionals, educators and students together at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds.  Selected Anoka County schools are Al-Amal School (Fridley) and Rum River Elementary (Ramsey). BUT, the organizers […]

Drinking water quality reports are available

Drinking water is generally in good shape at Anoka County’s community water supply systems, according to the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Drinking Water Annual Report 2012.  Highlighted in the report is completion of the first phase of a new water and stand-alone wastewater system in East Bethel. “Water is the key to development” said […]

Plan ahead to celebrate Arbor Day

Governor Dayton has proclaimed April 26, 2013 as Arbor Day and May 2013 as Arbor Month. Each year, on the last Friday of April, and throughout the month of May, Minnesotans recognize the value of trees, forests and the natural resources they represent.  Trees brighten the environment by moderating climate, improving air and water quality, conserving water […]

Celebrating 40 years of the Clean Water Act in Anoka County

Forty years ago, public concern about untreated sewage, industrial and toxic discharges, and contaminated stormwater runoff led to passage of a principal law to protect the nation’s waters – the Clean Water Act (CWA).  Based on state and local efforts, CWA sets a national goal “to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of […]

FEMA is updating Flood Insurance Rate Maps

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is currently updating Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) in Anoka County. Flood risk can, and does, change over time for many reasons including new development and environmental changes, to name a few. As a result FEMA is updating flood hazard maps across the country. These new flood maps show flood […]

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