Archive for the ‘Water Conservation & Sustainability’ Category

Apply now for a summer MnTAP intern to improve your business and environment

Businesses struggling to lower their costs reducing waste while improving water and energy efficiency now have the opportunity to partner with the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) to sponsor a 2018 college intern. An intern can make suggestions that improve efficiency, save money, reduce waste, or decrease regulatory compliance burden. Instead of hiring new technical […]

Business plays an important role in preventing pollution

Since 1985, businesses have participated in the Anoka County Hazardous Waste Management Program that prevents air, soils and water pollution. The Environmental Health Services section holds annual workshops with businesses to learn the challenges they face and answer questions about the Hazardous Waste Management Ordinance. At the November 1, 2017 Large Quantity Generator workshop, participants learned […]

Andover will defend it’s 2016 first place victory for water conservation

Andover Mayor Julie Trude has accepted the challenge to repeat Andover’s 2016 win in the Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation. Andover placed first in the nation for water conservation pledges made by residents and businesses in April 2016. Mayor Trude said that Andover is currently second in the 2017 pledge standing, but there is a long […]

Lawn conversion video series

Do you have a weedy lawn or a lawn currently composed of high maintenance turfgrass species and you want transition to something that takes less work and is better for the environment?  If so, please have a look at this series of 7 videos sponsored by the Minnesota Turf and Grounds Foundation.  This process is […]

Fix-A-Leak Week (March 20-26, 2017)

Get into Fix-A-Leak Week. Household leaks can waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide, so each year we hunt down the drips during Fix a Leak Week. But remember that you can check your plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems, fix the leaks, and save valuable water and money all year long. Water efficiency is […]

Order your rain barrel & compost bin to recycle rainwater and reduce waste

Have you noticed a river of rainwater run down your driveway into the gutter, ditch, or storm sewer? Collecting rain-soft roof runoff in a barrel is a good way to reuse/conserve high quality water. Rain barrels have been around for thousands of years, but today people are re-discovering that they also protect our local water while saving money on […]

Citizens Monitoring Anoka County Waters (Thank You)

Anoka County communities owe citizen volunteers our gratitude for monitoring and reporting water quality data. Resident volunteers collect periodic water clarity information for the Minnesota’s Citizen Stream Monitoring and Citizen Lake Monitoring Programs. The data collected by citizens is entered and maintained in a Lake and Stream Database  used by residents, lake associations, schools, community organizations, watershed management organizations, […]

Great summer intern opportunity – Water Conservation

The Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) is looking for six metro businesses to host science and engineering interns focused on water conservation projects. MnTAP is an outreach program at the University of Minnesota that helps Minnesota businesses develop and implement industry-tailored solutions that prevent pollution at the source, maximize efficient use of resources, and reduce energy […]

Proving Stormwater Reuse a Possibility

Collecting and reusing stormwater for irrigation is gaining attention. By reducing stormwater pollution runoff directly into creeks, rivers and lakes – we are preserving our swimming, fishing and drinking water resources. Another benefit is to help reduce increased groundwater withdrawal, by wells, for irrigation of lawns, gardens and landscape. The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) […]

Take the pledge to protect and preserve water

Governor Mark Dayton has announced a “Year of Water Action” Stewardship Pledge, which will last throughout the year. The pledge calls for Minnesotans to rethink how water impacts daily life and the lives of future generations. About the Water Stewardship Pledge!  Governor Dayton’s “Year of Water Action” Stewardship Pledge, asks Minnesotans to affirm their commitment to: Consider how water impacts […]

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