Archive for the ‘City of Hilltop’ Category

North & East Metro Groundwater Management Area Update

The DNR has designated an area in the north and east portions of the metro region as the North & East Metro Groundwater Management Area (GWMA), which includes Washington and Ramsey counties, along with portions of Anoka and Hennepin counties. The Anoka County communities in this GWMA are Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Columbia Heights, Columbus, […]

Agenda for North & East Metro GWMA

The next Advisory Team meeting for the North and East Metro Groundwater Management Area will be this Friday, November 8th at the Vadnais Heights Commons (655 County Road F East, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127) from 9 am – 12 noon. The meeting is open to the public. Topics to be presented: A presentation from Freshwater […]

Mississippi Watershed Survey

Do you live in the Mississippi Watershed? The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) wants to hear from you! The MWMO is beginning the process of updating its 10-year Watershed Management Plan and they need your input. You can help the MWMO to better understand your concerns, priorities, and goals for the health of the watershed […]

Recycling award winners for 2014

Anoka County Recycling & Resource Solutions (formerly Integrated Waste Management) recently held its 26th annual Recycling Recognition Awards ceremony (news release). 180,821 tons in 2014. Municipalities, haulers, and service providers assisted Anoka County residents, institutions and businesses to recycle 180,821 tons of materials in 2014, resulting in the recycling of 42% of all waste generated in […]

Dwindling groundwater reserves – learning from the California experience

Dr. Jay Famiglietti, is a University of California, Irvine, professor and leader in worldwide research using NASA satellites to measure changes in the Earth’s stores of groundwater. Recently, Dr. Famiglietti visited the University of Minnesota to present the findings of his research titled Dwindling Groundwater Reserves as Viewed from Space (UofM video, 1:40:52) including discussion with […]

MnTAP Water Conservation Project for Business and Industry

Water conservation not only helps to preserve an important natural resource – it’s good business. NOW there is an opportunity to have a engineering intern help a business conserve water as it improves efficiency and reduces operating costs. Your company may be paying twice for the water it uses. First, to purchase the water coming into your […]

Pollution Prevention (P2) week

During National Pollution Prevention (P2) week (Sept. 15 – 21, 2014) Americans are asked to consider their everyday decisions that generate pollution. The best way to protect Anoka County’s natural and water resources is to stop creating pollution in the first place. Pollution Prevention (P2) Week highlights community efforts to make pollution prevention a cornerstone of […]

Unused water wells must be sealed for everyone’s health

It’s the law: unused wells must be sealed.  During this construction and demolition season, the Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group asks residents, property owners and developers to be on the lookout for old unsealed wells as you dig, demolish and develop.  It is estimated that there are over 20,000 unused wells in Anoka County. […]

Groundwater Area includes Columbia Heights and Hilltop

Anoka County residents and businesses get their water from wells that draw from groundwater aquifers located directly below us.  As Anoka County grows, so does our need for water. Is there enough groundwater? On January 2, 2014 the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) had established the North & East Metro Pilot Groundwater Management Area “working […]

The Safe Drinking Water Act is turning 40 years old

On December 16, 1974, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) intended to ensure safe drinking water for the public.  The SDWA applies to all public water supply systems including municipal water utilities and wells that serve mobile home parks, schools, churches and office buildings.  A home or cabin well system […]

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