Annual Water Report. Drinking water is safe at Anoka County’s community water supply systems, according to the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Drinking Water Annual Report. Each year, cities publish reports on the results of water quality tests of their water system. The 2014 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The […]
Archive for the ‘Wellhead Protection’ Category

Lino Lakes City Council approves wellhead protection plan

Lino Lakes City Council has approved a plan to protect the groundwater sources of the City’s water supply system. The Lino Lake Wellhead Protection Plan addresses potential sources of water pollution near City wells to keep the groundwater clean and the City water free of contamination. NOTE: The City of Lino Lakes is currently making […]

Well sealing grants available to property owners in Blaine, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes

UPDATE 3/16/2015) A detailed map (0.8 Mb) and brochure are now available for this special grant program. To protect its community drinking water, Blaine, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes are making cost-share grants available to property owners to seal unused (abandoned) wells near city wells. Residents and property owners that are inside the city’s Drinking […]

Grants available for small public water suppliers

The Minnesota Department of Health announces the availability of grants to support Source Water Protection (SWP) of noncommunity transient public water suppliers. See announcement (link). Noncommunity Transient public water systems serve at least 25 people at least 60 days per year, but not the same 25 people over that period of time. Food and lodging establishments that own and […]

The Safe Drinking Water Act turns 40

On December 16, 1974, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) intended to ensure safe drinking water for the public. The SDWA applies to all public water supply systems including municipal water utilities and wells that serve mobile home parks, schools, churches and office buildings. A home or cabin well system […]

Local professionals discuss water conservation and pollution prevention at LQG hazardous waste training

Representatives from businesses that produce large quantities of hazardous waste attended the December 9, 2014 Hazardous Waste workshop held by Anoka County Environmental Services. The attendees recieved information, not only on managing hazardous waste, but on protection of their community’s local water resources and drinking water supply. Mick Jost, Program Coordinator, MM Technical Assistance Program (email, 612-624-4694) Know […]

Hazardous waste workshop for Large Quanitity Generators (Dec. 9, 2014)

Cooperation of business and industry is an important part of Anoka County’s pollution prevention program. By meeting the standards of safe disposal – commercial hazardous waste is managed at companies to prevent it from polluting of our natural resources. Anoka County Environmental Services is offering a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator workshop for business and industry on […]
SepticSmart week

(UPDATE Sept. 22, 2014) Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed SepticSmart Week 2014 (Sept. 22-26, 2014) in Minnesota. During SepticSmart Week homeowners are reminded to regularly pump their septic tank(s) every 2 years (3 years minimum) and protect their drain field from digging and damage by heavy vehicles and machinery. Did you know that one in […]

Pollution Prevention (P2) week

During National Pollution Prevention (P2) week (Sept. 15 – 21, 2014) Americans are asked to consider their everyday decisions that generate pollution. The best way to protect Anoka County’s natural and water resources is to stop creating pollution in the first place. Pollution Prevention (P2) Week highlights community efforts to make pollution prevention a cornerstone of […]